Seeing the beauty in everything really takes an extraodinary heart. Allowing such energy will free you from judgement in all its forms. You actually see yourself in all things seen and unseen. To focus on beauty is to merge with the universe and all creation. To believe in beauty is to believe in the unexplained truth. And that truth is that the root of all things is goodness. Looking through the eyes of beauty one finds a joy words can not describe. Energize your days with beauty and inspire your life.

At times when ideas are needed we all turn to inspiration. When things seem hopeless and a clear view is obstructed by obstacles inspiration can redirect your energy and destroy all boundaries we place on ourselves. Being inspired is like a flash of cool breeze on a hot summer day. Inspiration works with creativity to manifest ideas held in consciousness. Knowing the answers will come in time is believing something greater than yourself. A great example of inspiration is the Harry Potter Series. Inspiration turned a homeless women into a billionaire based on the ideas in her mind. So tune yourself towards inspiration and think big.

One of the most important energy to have when it comes to accomplishment without fear. With each goal achieved you enhance your self confidence to do greater things in life. The more confidence the less doubt. Less doubt gives you concentration without any negative thought blocking the way of positive creative energy. You feel you can do anything. Keeping that feeling within and using it whenever nessesary will help drive you to unlimited potential. Flawless inspiration flows throughout the body giving you a knowing of purpose. Give yourself a dose of self confidence and see strengh.

Bringing yourself into the vibrations of this energy brings more of the things you want back into your life in a very speedy way. Being grateful is showing courtesy for the littlest things manifesting in your life. Recognizing those things takes a humble heart and puts you further on the path of peace and harmony. Pay very close attention towards things like your spouse doing laundry or taking out the trash. Remember to say thank you in your aid of being and witness the ease of living.

Allowing the truth to unfold in its entirety is the bulk of this energy. When we use the law of attraction which is all the time, patience will need to be there in order for you to see your thoughts manifest. To witness the fruits of thought is truly remarkable when you think about it.
 Some of us never realize the manifesting power we have until we sit down and look at ourselves from the outside. Patience with practice is what develops skill. And skill is what you need in order to be align with success. To be one with patience is to think about it in all situations of your life. Say I am patient, I am patient over and over and in time you will see your energy align itself with it.
   P.S. Its really good with dealing with family.

Redirecting the energy of the planet could be as simple as feeding the homeless. That concentrated energy proves true change and takes away all selfish behaviors. Love is a unconditional devotion that embraces all that steps in its sphere. Affirmative actions are thousands of times powerful than
negative ones. You effect everyone and everything because all is one. As you see in this video your first thought is not color, gender, or religion but the feelings of hope to be better in our own lives. Demonstrate love and evolve consciousness.

Laughing is a great cure for a lot of things. Direct your energy towards laughter and you will find that you forget about everything that may have been bothering you. It relieves any stress and changes your vibe to higher energy. So learn to laugh and not be so serious.

This is a day to focus on success. Today direct your energy towards success in all areas of your life.
See yourself doing the things you want to get done with little effort. Smile at road blocks and be persistant in your quest of esteem liberation. Know that any help needed is on its way.